- How much of the fall in fertility could be explained by lower mortality?
- The special case of the normal likelihood function
- How to circumvent Sci-Hub ISP block
- Modified respirator to shield myself and others from COVID
- Efficient validity checking in monadic predicate logic
- Protecting yourself from Vanguard's poor security practices
- Eliciting probability distributions from quantiles
- Debugging surprising behavior in SciPy numerical integration
- How long does it take to sample from a distribution?
- How to use a pebble smartwatch as a pomodoro timer
- The relative importance of hardware and software progress: evidence from computer chess
- Should we prioritise cash transfers to the urban poor?
- Meta-ethical theories
- Relationships between games and solution concepts
- Flashcards for Oxford philosophy and economics final exams
- How I budgeted my time for Oxford final exams
- Philosophy frivolity
- Mindful tech: 22 concrete tips
- Philosophy success story V: Bayesianism
- Philosophy success story IV: the formalisation of probability
- Philosophy success story III: possible words semantics
- What success in philosophy sometimes looks like
- The successes and failures of conceptual analysis
- Understanding central bank loss functions
- The definition of effective altruism
- The formal structure of ethical theories
- Ontology and personal identity
- Bertrand Russells Brief an Gottlob Frege, in dem er die 'Russellsche Antinomie' beschreibt (1902)
- Taking the voodoo out of multiple regression
- Diagrams of linear regression
- The expected value of the long-term future, and existential risk
- Relationships between the axiomatic systems of modal propositional logic
- Triplez vos dons à des organismes efficaces grâce aux réductions d'impôt
- Philosophy success story II: the analysis of computability
- Philosophy success story I: predicate logic
- Philosophy success stories
- Modesty and diversity: a concrete suggestion
- Why don't we like arguments from authority?
- Oxford Prioritisation Project Review
- Extrême pauvreté: les surprenantes lois de puissance du don efficace
- On the experience of confusion
- How much donation splitting is there, and should you split?
- The logical empiricist picture of the world
- Why ain't causal decision theorists rich? Some speculations
- QALYs/$ are more intuitive than $/QALYs
- Self-locating beliefs vs loss of discriminating power
- Comment un individu peut-il faire une différence? Une mauvaise réponse, et deux bonnes
- A better formalism for interpreting confidence intervals
- Consistent Vegetarianism and the Suffering of Wild Animals - Journal of Practical Ethics
- Qu'est-ce que l'altruisme efficace ?
- Oxford Uehiro Prize in Practical Ethics, 'How should vegetarians actually live?'
existential risk
how to
- Meta-ethical theories (2018)
- Philosophy success story V: Bayesianism (2018)
- Philosophy success story IV: the formalisation of probability (2018)
- Philosophy success story III: possible words semantics (2018)
- The successes and failures of conceptual analysis (2018)
- What success in philosophy sometimes looks like (2018)
- The formal structure of ethical theories (2018)
- Ontology and personal identity (2018)
- Bertrand Russells Brief an Gottlob Frege, in dem er die 'Russellsche Antinomie' beschreibt (1902) (2018)
- Philosophy success story II: the analysis of computability (2017)
- Philosophy success story I: predicate logic (2017)
- Why don't we like arguments from authority? (2017)
- The logical empiricist picture of the world (2017)
- Self-locating beliefs vs loss of discriminating power (2017)
- Consistent Vegetarianism and the Suffering of Wild Animals - Journal of Practical Ethics (2017)
- Oxford Uehiro Prize in Practical Ethics, 'How should vegetarians actually live?' (2016)
- The special case of the normal likelihood function (2021)
- Eliciting probability distributions from quantiles (2020)
- Debugging surprising behavior in SciPy numerical integration (2020)
- How long does it take to sample from a distribution? (2020)
- Diagrams of linear regression (2018)
- Taking the voodoo out of multiple regression (2018)
- A better formalism for interpreting confidence intervals (2017)